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Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two | DW Documentary

In early 1945, at least 860000 women and girls in Germany were sexually abused by Allied soldiers. T ...View More

Jaglavak: The Dragon Ant of Cameroon | FULL DOCUMENTARY

In northern Cameroon, in the Mandaras Mountains, the Mofu live a unique relationship with insects, s ...View More

Trump vs Biden: The Debate Showdown

After significant pressure from Donald Trump's presidential campaign and its allies, both Trump and  ...View More

How history creates allies and enemies | Mirela Ivanova | TEDxOxford

People have always had a past. Mirela suggests that we should think of history differently- through  ...View More

Autigender: Disability, Gender, and What You Can Do as Allies | Yenn Purkis | TEDxCanberra

Each and everyone of us has our own unique gender identity. Each and every single one of them deserv ...View More

Advancing into Hitler's Reich: US Troops face intense Resistance #documentary #worldwar2

Since the Battle of the Bulge, US troops have faced slow progress and intense warfare, losing over 2 ...View More

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